List of Colleges And Universties in Karachi

Karachi is the largest city of  Pakistan and is ranked number 2 in Pakistan for having the best colleges and universities. The city is home to the several  best colleges in Karachi and  has many old and most prestigious universities which offer a wide range of intermediate, undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral programs.

Karachi has both private and government sector colleges and universities. These colleges are specified separately for boys and girls by keeping in mind the ease and comfort of every student. The city offers a wide range of educational opportunities in various fields such as the intermediate fields are classified as  

  • Pre-medical 
  • Pre-engineering 
  • Commerce 
  • Fine arts 
  • Humanities

For undergraduate and post graduates’ programs there are more than 63 fields which can be chosen by students’ interest. There is a list of Private and the list of government colleges in Karachi which offer these programs you should consider before applying for admissions. 

Private colleges and universities in Karachi

Students who are looking for the best private colleges in Karachi to get admission at their chosen degree program are at the right place. Private colleges in Karachi often provide quality of education and are known for their specialized course programs. You can find the complete list of Private Colleges and Universities in Karachi from here. 

Government colleges and universities in Karachi

Karachi is a major city of Pakistan and is home to many great  government universities which provide the high quality of education. The government colleges in Karachi provide a wide range of educational opportunities in various fields of study. Including Medical, engineering, Business administration, Chartered accounting, Finance, Social behavior fields and many more.

For taking Admission in Karachi colleges and universities students can find out the list of top colleges and universities in Karachi of their choice from the given link below.

Quick facts about institutions in Karachi

Total Universities in Karachi

Total Universities in Karachi 56
Total Colleges in Karachi2 96
Courses for Intermediate studies 475
Courses for Bachelor studies 1509
Courses for Masters studies 1018
Courses for Diplomas & Certificates 2424

Colleges/Uni NameLocationContact #
Total Courses
SectorPopularity ScoreRating
University Of KarachiUniversity Road, Karachi, 75270, Pakistan92-21-99261300-06295Public14.2*
Dow University of Health Sciences(Duhs) KarachiMission Rd, Karachi 74200(021) 99215754127Public20*
Hamdard University of Karachi Hamdard University, Sharae Madinat Al-Hikmah, Karachi+92 21 644001773Private34*
Iqra University KarachiMain Campus Defence View, Shaheed-e-Millat Road Extension Karachi-75500, Pakistan111-264-26435Private45*
Fedral Urdu University of Arts, Sceince and Technology (Fuuast) KarachiMSC Block, Block #9, University Road, Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Karachi-75300, Pakistan(0092-21) 924398696N/A54*
NED University of Engineering & TechnologyNED University of Engineering & Technology University Road, Karachi – 75270, Pakistan(92-21) 9261261-8146Public65*
Indus University KarachiST-2D, Block-17, Adjacent to National Stadium Gulshan-e-iqbal, Karachi+92 42 111-400-300
Preston University KarachiF-92, Block F, North Nazimabad, Near Ziauddin Hospital, Karachi.+92 21 3664337490Private
Benazir Bhutto Shaheed University Lyari KarachiFaqir M. Dura Khan Rd, Karachi(021) 3274402333Public90*
National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST) KarachiPNS JAUHAR, Habib Ibrahim Rehmatullah Road, Karachi, Pakistan+92 21 36042819, 485136Public103*
Jinnah Sindh Medical University KarachiRafiqui H.J Shaheed Road, Karachi.021-9920477636Public110*
Baqai Medical University Karachi51, Deh Tor, Gadap Road, Near Toll Plaza, Super Highway P.O Box No 2407, Karachi – 74600, Pakistan.+92 21 34410293-29878Private125*
Jinnah University For Women Karachi5-C Nazimabad, Karachi, Pakistan(92-21) 6620857-5978Private135*
Dadabhoy Institute Of Higher Education KarachiSNPA-17/B, Block 3, KCHSU Limited, Off. Shaheed-e-Millat Road, Karachi+ 92 21 4389102-0517Private144 *
Bahria University KarachiBAHRIA UNIVERSITY 13, Stadium Road, Karachi, Pakistan+92-21-111-111-028106Public155*